There are several skin irritations that can occur while indoor tanning at one time or another. These irritations can include rashes, dry skin, white spots, or itching. Usually, those who have an itch after tanning are affected on their stomach, back, chest, or other areas that may have had little exposure to UV rays. This is a result of over stimulation of the nerve endings in an effort for your body to produce melanin. This itch usually begins during the 3rd to 5th tanning session. Remember, it is best to gradually expose your skin to sunlight. Be sure to use a good aloe product to soothe itching. Very dry skin can cause itching and it is best to use a good moisturizer designed to replenish moisture lost during tanning. Chemicals in shampoos, cosmetics, lotions, and cleaners can also cause itching. Rashes that are related to indoor tanning are usually the results of 2 factors: overdose of UVA, and heat rash. Most tanners will build up immunity to these rashes. It is best if you develop a rash to stop tanning for a few days, and continue gradually exposing the skin to UV rays. If you are taking any medications, they can cause photosensitivity and you should consult your doctor before tanning.