UV Tanning

There are 2 types of ultraviolet (UV) rays that tan your skin. UVB stimulates the production of melanin which is the pigmentation you see on your skin. UVA rays uses oxygen to darken the melanin that has been produced. Oxygen comes from your blood vessels and from other sources outside your skin. Professional indoor tanning lotions and moisturizers can optimize the tanning process with oxygen supplementation. You may have heard some people call the UVB rays the "burning rays" and UVA the "bronzing rays". Although these terms don't exactly accurately detail how the rays react with your skin, we can assure you that all UV tanning equipment at Beyond Bronze is equipped with high quality Wolff Lamps. Each piece of equipment has lamps uniquely designed with perfect ratios of both UVB and UVA rays for perfect bronze color.

Sunlight is an essential component to all living things. Tanning is a totally natural process that your body is designed for. There are both biological and psychological reasons that tanningis beneficial. Tanning indoors gives you the control to protect yourself against health risks associated with outdoor tanning-because outdoors, you have less control of sun exposure. Tanning can be helpful for people with Psoriasis or Eczema. Sunlight is also a primary source for Vitamin D, which in itself has significant health benefits.

Whether you tan indoors or outdoors, your skin will develop a tan in the exact same way-through absorption of UV rays. Indoor tanning can give you control over your exposure to UV light, and you can avoid sunburn. At Beyond Bronze, we can help you determine a tanning plan that will minimize risks and maximize your tan! Outdoor tanning is often limited to seasons and weather…but you can always find sunlight when you tan indoors.

This is totally dependent on your natural tanning ability or skin type, as well as the equipment you choose to tan with. Most skin tones will see results within the first week of tanning, and some even the first 2-3 sessions. For very fair skinned tanners, it may take a little longer to develop a tan. Also take into consideration the UV equipment you are tanning in. Those who tan in Beyond Bronze's Building Bed will take significantly longer to build a tan than those who are tanning in a higher level bed. This is because our Building and Intensifying Beds have fewer lamps and wattage and a longer exposure time. These beds are great for beginning tanners and even seasoned tanners who don't mind taking their time to build a tan, or who are looking to maintain their color.

The Food and Drug Administration has set that tanners should wait 24 hours between tanning sessions. This is because sunburn can take 12-24 hours to appear, and if you were to tan twice is 24 hours your risk of overexposure is increased. At Beyond Bronze we recommend that you tan every other day to give your skin a break in between tanning sessions, however if you choose you may tan once in a 24 hour period.

At Beyond Bronze, we have responsibility to help all our guests become Smart Tanners. We want to help you minimize your overexposure and maximize your tan! The number one rule of smart tanning is "Don't ever sunburn". By restricting your tanning frequency to one session per day we are protecting your skin against overexposure.

Your tan appears in the top layer of your skin, called the epidermis. The outermost skin layer replaces all skin cells about every 30 days. When your skin cells die and eventually shed. These skin cells contain the melanin that you built up during your tanning sessions. The best way to maintain your tan is through regular exposure to UV light.

The most common cause of white spots or stripes is pressure points. These are caused from lack of oxygen to these areas of skin. For example, many people find they have pressure points on the back of their hips where their lower back touches the acrylic. The easiest way to reduce the lines is to move! People who lie very still or sleep while tanning are prone to pressure points. Even if you don't flip or change positions it is recommended that you slightly move around while in the tanning bed. Other causes for white spots are genetic. Sometimes there are certain patches of your skin that simply is not efficient at producing melanin and therefore you won't develop a tan in these areas. For example, Vitiligo is characterized by irregularly shaped white patches that are surrounded by a darker border. These white patches are very sensitive to sunlight. You should consult a doctor for treatment. Another common cause is a fungus, Tinea vesicolor. This fungus begins in your hair much like dandruff, and can fall down onto the skin on your upper body. This results in white spots that are unable to produce melanin. Sometimes the spots may be scaly. This fungus is very treatable, although it can take up to a few months to rid. Tinea vesicolor is not a result of tanning, however it becomes apparent after tanning since color will not develop in these areas.

There are several skin irritations that can occur while indoor tanning at one time or another. These irritations can include rashes, dry skin, white spots, or itching. Usually, those who have an itch after tanning are affected on their stomach, back, chest, or other areas that may have had little exposure to UV rays. This is a result of over stimulation of the nerve endings in an effort for your body to produce melanin. This itch usually begins during the 3rd to 5th tanning session. Remember, it is best to gradually expose your skin to sunlight. Be sure to use a good aloe product to soothe itching. Very dry skin can cause itching and it is best to use a good moisturizer designed to replenish moisture lost during tanning. Chemicals in shampoos, cosmetics, lotions, and cleaners can also cause itching. Rashes that are related to indoor tanning are usually the results of 2 factors: overdose of UVA, and heat rash. Most tanners will build up immunity to these rashes. It is best if you develop a rash to stop tanning for a few days, and continue gradually exposing the skin to UV rays. If you are taking any medications, they can cause photosensitivity and you should consult your doctor before tanning.

This smell is not actually "burnt skin", but can be referred to as "after tan odor" or ATO. This smell is caused by helpful bacteria on the surface of the skin. When your skin gets hot from a tanning bed, the smell is emitted. Many of Beyond Bronze's high quality tanning lotions contain antibacterial agents that can eliminate any after tan odor you may notice. Using a good after tan moisturizer can also inhibit the ATO.

Moist and healthy skin is the best foundation for a deep, dark, long-lasting tan. Using an indoor tanning lotion will help you get tan quicker, keep your tan longer, and have a more even tan. Tanning causes your skin to become dry and indoor tanning lotions can replenish your skin with moisture, antioxidants, and vitamins. Many indoor tanning lotions contain anti-aging properties or skin firming properties for healthy and young looking skin. It is also vital to use a good moisturizer specifically designed for indoor tanners. Not only do they moisturize your skin but help extend your tan as well.

The use of outdoor tanning lotions or oils and baby oils are prohibited at Beyond Bronze. These products contain ingredients that are harmful for our acrylics. The ingredients can cause fogging, scratching, premature cracking, and pitting thus not allowing the UVA and UVB rays to penetrate the surface and tan your skin. The acrylic pieces are very expensive to replace. We strive to keep our high end equipment in top quality shape to provide you the best tan possible. Please help us continue to provide you with excellent tanning equipment.

Moisturizers designed specifically for indoor tanning is best. We have a wide variety for you to choose from at Beyond Bronze. Hydrated skin tans easier and keeps a tan longer. You should moisturize two times a day while tanning in addition to using your indoor tanning lotion prior to your tanning sessions.

This is called Indoor Tanning Lotion Diversion. Indoor tanning lotions are only authorized to be sold in exclusive tanning salons or other business offering tanning services. You may find professional tanning lotions in places like Internet stores, supermarkets, discounts websites, flea markets, or other non-tanning outlets. Be advised that these retailers are not authorized to sale these items and are contributing to diversion. The risk in purchasing items from these places is great. They could be selling expired, diluted, or contaminated products. These products could also be counterfeit. Contaminated or counterfeit products are not authentic, and will probably not give you the results you are hoping for. These products may also cause irritation or infection. If you see an indoor tanning lotion for sale at an unauthorized location, DO NOT buy it! Save yourself any trouble and only purchase authentic products from an authorized tanning location.

There is no one "best" tanning lotion. Every person has individual needs and expectations for their tanning lotions. There are variances in skin type, oily skin, dry skin, tanning equipment used, and other factors that can contribute to which lotion is best for you. A Beyond Bronze Tanning Technician can help you determine which lotion is the best for your tanning goals. For more detailed information about indoor tanning lotions, please see our skin care page.

Accelerators are your basic tanning lotions. Their sole purpose is to speed up the tanning process by boosting melanin production and moisturizing. Using an accelerator will help you get the tannest your skin will "naturally" be. To get darker than what you can normally get, you may need to select a different type of lotion with advanced tanning ingredients. . For more detailed information about indoor tanning lotions, please see our skin care page.

There are two types of bronzer lotions, and they each impart additional color to your skin: Immediate/Natural bronzers and Delayed bronzers. Immediate/Natural bronzers can boost your color using ingredients that show immediate color to your skin. Delayed bronzers boost your color through a self-tanning additive that will help your color become darker after the ingredients have had time to develop. Many bronzers have multiple types of bronzers in them, and may be a triple, dual, or 10X, or 20X…etc. The numbers refer to the number of bronzing agents in the lotion. Bronzers can also be mixed with other types of lotions for example, "Bronzing Accelerator" or "Tingle with Bronzers". For more detailed information about indoor tanning lotions, please see our skin care page.

A tingle lotion stimulates the skin and brings the blood closer to the surface when tanning producing a "tingle sensation" and sometimes a reddening effect. When the blood comes closer to the skin, it increases melanin production and oxidation. This in turn gets you a darker tan! The tingle sensation is not for everyone, and is recommended for experienced tanners only. Those with small children may avoid tingle lotions so not to cause any discomfort on their skin when you hold them. The tingle sensation usually lasts about 1 hour after your tanning session ends. If you use a tingle lotion and want relief from the sensation you may take a cool shower to rinse off the remaining product. For more detailed information about indoor tanning lotions, please see our skin care page.

A blush lotion is similar to a tingle lotion, however. It is much milder than tingle products. Blush lotions create the same mild effects of a tingle, but without the intensity of a tingle product. Warming lotions also produce a tingle-like effect. However, instead of a tingle sensation they provide a slight spa-like warming effect on the skin. For more detailed information about indoor tanning lotions, please see our skin care page.

It is very difficult to make a comparison between indoor tanning and tanning in the natural sun. This is because there are so many variables that make up tanning. For example, at different times of the day the sun emits differing rations of UV rays, and intensity. There are other numerous factors that affect natural sun as well such as clouds, pollution, time of year, etc. In each piece of tanning equipment, lamps also emit varying ratios of UV rays. With all the factors to consider, there is no simple way to correlate the two types of tanning in terms of minutes or sessions.

Yes, the sun naturally emits UVA and UVB rays. These are the same rays that tanning lamps emit.

Tanning lamps do not emit enough energy for the UV rays to pass through the first few layers of skin. Even though UVA and UVB rays have longer wavelengths, these lengths are still not long enough to penetrate and damage internal organs.

Yes, however since the tanning process naturally removes moisture from the body you may need to use eyedrops after tanning to replace lost moisture. If you are wearing the required eye protection, you shouldn't experience any damage to your contact lenses or eyes.

Technically, yes it is possible. However professional tanning salons that properly sanitize and disinfect their tanning equipment make this highly unlikely. At Beyond Bronze, we use the highest quality, hospital-grade cleaner available to us-Lucasol One-Step disinfectant from Lucas Products, Corp. This solution promises to kill disease causing single celled organisms that include: MRSA (staph), strep, tinea versicolor, hepatitis-B, hepatitis-C, herpes, and HIV.

Most sexually transmitted diseases require the exchange of bodily fluids to be contracted. This exchange does not occur from using tanning beds. Although this does not mean that there are some infections that can't be passed by humans from unsanitary equipment. Beyond Bronze takes extreme precautionary measures when sanitizing tanning rooms, equipment, and any other surfaces that our guests may come in contact with. At Beyond Bronze, we use the highest quality, hospital-grade cleaner available to us-Lucasol One-Step disinfectant from Lucas Products, Corp. This solution promises to kill disease causing single celled organisms that include: MRSA (staph), strep, tinea versicolor, hepatitis-B, hepatitis-C, herpes, and HIV.

During pregnancy, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before using any indoor tanning equipment. Tanning indoors while pregnant is no different than tanning outdoors. However, some women can become more sensitive to sunlight while pregnant, and precautions should be taken to avoid overexposure. Most importantly, be sure that you are comfortable and do not get too hot while tanning.

There are some medications, foods, and cosmetics that contain ingredients which can cause ultra-sensitivity to light-either indoors or outdoors. You should remove all cosmetics before tanning. Always check with you physician to see if any of your new or existing medications contain photosynthesizing agents. Beyond Bronze also has a list of agents that you can read over to double check. Although any of these products may not cause you sensitivity, it is good to know whether or not sensitivity is possible.

Wearing eyewear while tanning indoors is a Georgia state law. It is our goal to help you get the darkest tan the healthiest way possible. Protective eyewear should block out 99.9% of UVB rays and 99% of UVA rays according to Federal regulations. Using a towel or just closing your eyes is not sufficient in protecting the rays. Your eyelids only block out about 25% of the rays. We take eyewear very seriously at Beyond Bronze, and we require that you wear protective eyewear each and every time you tan.

When you don't wear your eyewear while tanning, you greatly increase the potential for eye injury. This injuries and disorders include: cataracts, damage to the cornea, Photokeratitis (cornea sunburn), and Pterygium (abnormal tissue growth).

Simple adjustments to your eyewear can prevent this. You should just slide your eyewear into a new position while tanning, so that you expose different parts of the skin around your eyes throughout your tanning session. It is never acceptable to lift your eyewear in order to change positions. Beyond Bronze carries disposable eyewear that actually sticks to your eyelids. These are highly recommended due to the ability to position them to fit any eye as well as the elimination of any germs on eyewear.

Showering removes the mantel acid from your skin. It is recommended that you not shower 1 hour before your tanning session or 2 hours after your session. The tanning process can continue for some time after you tan. Showering too soon before or after your session removes the mantel acid from your skin and can slow down or stop the extended tanning process.

Typically, our legs can become dry from wearing clothing or hosiery, and our face is the only part of the skin that doesn't produce moisture. Shaving can also dry out our legs and exfoliate the skin more quickly. It is best to remove all make up before tanning, and to use a good moisturizer twice a day on your legs and face. Beyond Bronze also offers tanning lotions designed to boost color in these hard to tan areas. Ask a tanning specialist for your personal recommendations.

Many people refer to this as a tanning "plateau". As your tan builds your skin becomes thicker, and it becomes difficult for the UV rays to pass through the top layer of skin. When this happens, the best thing you can do is keep your skin very, very moisturized. If you have never used a breakthrough lotion, now is the time for you to try one! Breakthrough lotions are specifically designed to help give you the extra moisture and tanning power you need. Otherwise, we recommend you that you use a different highly moisturizing tanning lotion and tan extender. You may even try an accelerator for a few tanning sessions to soften up your skin and "jump start" your melanin production, then try a bronzer or breakthrough lotion. You may also choose to try a different tanning bed than your normal one. You can either go down a level or up a level. Either way, you will be tanning with a lamp that provides a different ratio of UVA and UVB, so you will be receiving a "different" color production. It is best to change up your lotion and tanning equipment from time to time so your skin will keep developing color and not become "immune" to one certain bed or product. Moisture is the key to a great looking tan!

Most likely not. Some skin types can tan very easily and fast, and other skin types don't have the pigmentation to tan. There are some people who just cannot develop a tan.

After 40 years of age, your body begins to lose melanocytes-but keep tanning, these CAN be replenished. Also, hormone changes can affect the way your skin naturally tans. You should gradually and repeatedly expose your skin to sunlight and use high quality tanning lotions. Your skin can probably still tan, you just may need to take it slower.

Do not rush your tan. Tanning should occur gradually by increasing your exposure over a series of sessions. Don't EVER sunburn. You should consult your physician if you are taking any photosynthesizing medications or have any skin irritations. You must always wear protective eyewear.

No. Although there a lot of people who believe that a sunburn "fades" into a tan, this is absolutely not true. Sunburn is injury to your skin, and your body responds to this injury appropriately. It will never turn into a tan. Many people also falsely believe that they must "burn first" before they can get a tan. This is not true either, and can be dangerous.

Yes, if you have a history of skin cancer you should not tan indoors or outdoors. An excellent alternative to UV tanning is sunless tanning.

At Beyond Bronze, we sanitize everything in each room after EVERY tanning session. We also do a more thorough disinfectant process every night. We sanitize our eyewear using the same solution that we use on all tanning equipment. At Beyond Bronze, we use the highest quality, hospital-grade cleaner available to us-Lucasol One-Step disinfectant from Lucas Products, Corp. This solution promises to kill disease causing single celled organisms that include: MRSA (staph), strep, tinea versicolor, hepatitis-B, hepatitis-C, herpes, and HIV. It is also a deodorizer, detergent, viuricide, fungicide, and disinfectant.

Appointments are not required for a tanning session. However, during many busy tanning times there may be a wait for the equipment you use. If you find it necessary to make an appointment, you can call us and arrange for one. If we do have a wait time, and you are late for your appointment, we will cancel your appointment and you will be placed in the tan line when you arrive.

Sunless Tanning

Spray Tanning is an alternative to UV tanning that requires a solution to be applied to the skin and requires no UV rays. Spray tanning solutions contain a natural tanning agent called DHA (dihydroxyacetone). This ingredient reacts to the proteins in the outermost layers of the skin to produce a beautiful bronze color. The solution is not a stain, paint, or dye. The active ingredient in the solution is clear, however some spray tan solutions have a cosmetic bronzing additive, and this additive will rise away revealing the color produced. After the sunless application, the skin will begin to darken in about 3-4 hours and the tan will continue to develop for up to 24 hours. The tan will last approximately 5-7 days. There are specific steps to take in order to maximize the life of the tan.

The most important step in spray tan preparation is exfoliation. Since the spray tan solution only reacts with the outermost layers of skin, it is important to remove dead layers of skin cells. Spray tanning on fresh skin will help your skin last longer. You should use a non-oily exfoliator 12-24 hours before your spray. Using certain exfoliators too close to your session can also block the mist. Beyond Bronze carries several choices of exfoliators made to work with the sunless solution, and one if these can be used up to an hour before your spray session. Always shave the before your session as this is also an exfoliation method. You should arrive with exfoliated and clean skin that is void of perfumes, lotions, makeup, and heavy deodorant. These products can cause a barrier on the skin, blocking the spray mist. You should also bring either a dark swimsuit or undergarments that you do not mind having sprayed. Although the spray solution is mostly water soluble, we don't recommend wearing any light colored garments that you may be afraid to stain. Beyond Bronze also has several disposable pieces available for purchase if you would rather wear these items, we can help you choose the right piece. If you are receiving a custom airbrush tan, we require that you wear bottom undergarments and tops are optional. For the Versa Spa spray booth, you may tan as you choose.

If you get a custom spray tan or if you choose the bronzer option in the VersaSpa, you will be bronzed right away! You should begin to get darker in about 4-6 hours after your sunless session. This color can continue to develop for up to 24 hours!

We recommend waiting as long as possible to shower after your session to allow for full development of the DHA. For your first shower, we recommend taking a warm water rinse without soap. The longer you wait to shower, the longer your tan will last, and the better your color will become. Avoid any activities that could cause perspiration or moisture after your sunless session and before your first shower. (ie: swimming, exercise, rain, etc.) If you received a custom spray tan, or if you chose the VersaSpa solution with cosmetic bronzer, you will notice that the cosmetic will rinse off and your skin is tanned underneath. This is not your spray tan washing off, just the instant bronzer. Avoid taking long, hot showers. Use mild moisturizing body wash lathering with your hands or a soft cloth. Beyond Bronze has body washes designed specifically to cleanse without stripping, streaking, or fading your sunless tan. Bar soap will fade your tan quickly! Do not exfoliate any part of your body when you have a spray tan. Pat your skin dry with a towel after showering. If you rub, you could remove tanned layers of skin.

Don't shave, it is a form of exfoliation and will cause your tan to fade faster on your legs. If you do shave, use a clean blade and be sure to use a moisturizing shave gel or cream.

Use a quality moisturizer every time you shower, and as needed in between. You must keep skin from drying and flaking because it can cause shedding of the skin and ultimately your tan will fade more quickly. It is vital to use a product specifically designed for sunless tanners because these products have additives to moisturize and extend your tan life. Also, if you need a color boost and hydration in between sessions stop by Beyond Bronze for a moisture treatment! Beyond Bronze carries a full line of sunless products designed to help you prepare for and maintain your sunless tan. We have Exfoliators, Mositurizers, Body Washes, and even sunless touch up products! Ask one of our technicians if you are interested in any of these products. You should also determine which add-on services--"cocktail" you would like. We offer a prep spray which will balance the ph of your skin, allowing for better absorption of the sunless solution and resulting in a deeper, longer lasting color. This is a solution that is sprayed on before the sunless solution. A post-moisture treatment is also available since DHA will dehydrate your skin. The moisture treatment can hydrate your skin without streaking your color. Also, you can choose to use our stand up tanning bed after spray tanning to help set your color and dry even faster. Robes and tanning glasses will be provided if you choose the UV tanning cocktail!

Prior to your arrival, be thinking about what color you would like to have for your spray tan. The choices are light, medium, and dark. Light is for those who desire a subtle glow. Medium is the most popular choice and will give a natural bronze color to the skin. Dark is for those who want a natural yet significant tan. (Significant does not mean orange, just dark!) When you arrive, a tanning technician can help you finalize your decision about the right color to meet your goals and skin tone. When choosing between 2 colors, we recommend you choose the lighter color for your first session to test your skin's reaction to DHA, and the next time you can always go darker! If you are choosing the VersaSpa Spray booth, you may choose to have a clear solution with no cosmetic bronzer additive. If you choose this, you will not notice an immediate coloration and there is no risk of bronzer staining your clothing.

You should arrive with exfoliated, clean, and shaved skin with no makeup, lotion, or deodorant. You will be taken to the spray tan room by a tanning technician and he or she will explain how to carefully apply barrier cream to hands, feet, nails, knees, and elbows. Barrier cream is a lotion that will block the absorption of DHA in places that do not naturally tan in the sun like the palms of your hands and cuticles. Careful barrier cream application is a vital part in achieving a natural looking sunless tan. If you are an avid sunless tanner or UV, you may choose to invest in Nail Savers. Nail Savers are a product that slips over your fingertips to ensure your cuticles and nails are not stained with DHA--these are especially useful for those with nail enhancements. Many guests wear disposable shower caps provided by Beyond Bronze during their sunless session to keep the mist from getting in their hair. Others tan without covering their hair. The solution cannot penetrate the hair follicles and will wash out. Also, if you plan to purchase disposable spa wear, please let the technician know at the time of check in. Ingredients in sunless solution have been approved by the FDA for use as a self-tanning skin agent. To date, testing results have not indicated any adverse effects to the inhalation or contact with mucus membranes. However, if you are concerned with inhalation of DHA, Beyond Bronze has nose filters available for purchase. If you chose not to utilize nose protection, we recommend you hold your breath during the misting session in the VersaSpa booth (about 8 seconds). For custom tans, you should hold your breath as your face is sprayed.

Definitely! In fact, those who combine the two services get the best results and the deepest tans! We offer a spray tan cocktail choice in which you can opt to use the standup tanning bed after your spray tan. If you choose to tan in any other bed on the same day as your spray tan, we recommend not using any tanning lotion and tanning before your spray. You can always come in and tan as usual in between spray tan sessions!

For Custom Spray Tans:
The spray tanning technician will show you to the spray tan room, explain how to apply barrier cream, adjust the shower cap, and how to apply the sticky feet. Sticky feet are provided to protect the soles of your feet from becoming too tan. The technician will step out of the room, giving you privacy to undress. Once you place the door hanger outside, the technician will know you are ready to begin your session and enter the room. During the spray tan session, the technician will direct you how to position your body for even application. The actual spray time will take about 5-7 minutes depending on which add-ons you choose. You will be given a chance to dry off using a dryer that is part of the spray tan system. Including prep, spray, and dry time your entire session should last about 15-25 minutes. Once dry, you may dress and exit the room with your wonderfully tan skin! If you are receiving a UV cocktail, you may dress in the provided robe and go directly to the stand up booth. The tanning technician will set your time for 1-3 minutes depending on your skin type. This will help “set” your sunless tan and ensure your body is completely dry.

For VersaSpa Booth Tans:
The tanning technician will show you to the VersaSpa Spray Booth, explain how to apply the barrier cream, shower cap, and demonstrate the positions in which you will need to stand for an even tan. There is a reference poster displayed in the room if you need a reminder. Once you have applied barrier cream and undressed, you may step into the booth and put your hand over the green motion detector to begin. The VersaSpa booth is equipped with a voice prompt, so you will know when to do each position. For each position, you will receive 2 passes of solution and 2 passes of drying. If you choose to do a prep cocktail, you will have 2 “sessions”--the prep will be sprayed first and you will do 2 positions. The second session will be the sunless solution, and you will do 4 positions. Once your session is over, the booth will automatically clean itself while you are getting dressed. This entire session should take about 5-7 minutes! Once you are dressed you may exit the booth and enjoy your beautiful tan! If you are receiving a UV cocktail, you may dress in the provided robe and go directly to the stand up booth. The tanning technician will set your time for 1-3 minutes depending on your skin type. This will help “set” your sunless tan and ensure your body is completely dry.


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