1. How does the process of tanning work?
There are 2 types of ultraviolet (UV) rays that tan your skin. UVB stimulates the production of melanin which is the pigmentation you see on your skin. UVA rays uses oxygen to darken the melanin that has been produced. Oxygen comes from your blood vessels and from other sources outside your skin. Professional indoor tanning lotions and moisturizers can optimize the tanning process with oxygen supplementation. You may have heard some people call the UVB rays the “burning rays” and UVA the “bronzing rays”. Although these terms don’t exactly accurately detail how the rays react with your skin, we can assure you that all UV tanning equipment at Beyond Bronze is equipped with high quality Wolff Lamps. Each piece of equipment has lamps uniquely designed with perfect ratios of both UVB and UVA rays for perfect bronze color.